"I searched endlessly for help from depression, dread, fear, and emptiness in my life. It's working. It's all ringing true. I feel alive for the first time ever. I feel joy, a sense of well-being and relief. The theory is brilliant, simple, and beautiful. Cathy”
"I was chronically depressed for 25 years. Now it is three months since I felt depressed. I can't believe I am saying this, having turned round and round in circles for 10 years in talk therapy. Now I trust my own body and soul to know the way. Lynn”
“I am still marveling that IT REALLY WORKS!!! These simple measures are an incredible gift to enable people to get their life back. I was depressed for 50 years and recovered completely from depression in just a month of redirecting. And my food addiction is gone. Shirley”
"The months I poured into detoxification/redirection have sure paid off. It has recently dawned on me what a gift this normalcy is. Nothing dramatic, just satisfaction and ease - time to get back to life. Carl”
Visit the Yahoo support group (note: In 2019, Yahoo stopped supporting Yahoo group forum archives (all groups, not just Ellie's). Therefore, the archives (all forum messages) were deleted by Yahoo, althought the home page is still there. HOWEVER, the forum messages had been downloaded and saved many years ago. You can download the file HERE.
Redirecting self therapy (free) permanently relieves depression and brings full recovery from bipolar disorders, mood disorders, co-dependency, alcoholism, all addictions, aggressive or violent behavior, nervous and mental illness, psychosomatic illness, symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The self therapy is proven to work because it is based on the discovery of the biology of mental illness and violence published in a peer-reviewed medical journal and has been %100 effective for all who used the therapy as described. "It works if you work it!"
E. Van Winkle, Retired Neuroscientist, Millhauser Laboratories of the Dept of Psychiatry, NY University School of Medicine
Mailing address: Murrary Hill Station, P.O. Box 893, New York, NY10156
My Personal Story of Recovery:
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For more resources on Redirecting Self-Therapy, visit www.gocure.com xx